Spender è stato fondato alla fine degli anni '60 da Spencer e Dorothy Hughes - "Spen" e "Dor" nel nome. Spencer ha applicato le conoscenze e le competenze acquisite come ingegnere nel dipartimento di ingegneria del suono della BBC per creare il suo primo diffusore, il BC1. Questo design rivoluzionario divenne rapidamente il monitor preferito dalle emittenti e dagli studi di registrazione di tutto il mondo.A quasi 50 anni di distanza, l'influenza dell'iconica BC1 e dei suoi successori può essere vista e ascoltata nella nostra gamma di altoparlanti distintivi e innovativi. Spender rimane lo standard di riferimento sia per gli audiofili esigenti che per i tecnici del suono professionisti, offrendo un suono trasparente, naturale e musicale che ti affascina davvero

Spendor loudspeakers are designed and hand built at the Spendor factory in Hailsham, Sussex in the UK. Traditional craftmanship, skilled design capability and modern engineering materials all combine to produce superbly built loudspeakers with models to suit any taste or application.Originally founded in the 1960's by Spencer and Dorothy Hughes, Spendor grew out of the expertise gained in the BBC's sound engineering department. The original BC1 design became the studio monitor of choice and soon this and other designs were to be developed for the consumer market.For well over 30 years a succession of distinctive and innovative products has set a reference standard for consumer and professional users. Many Spendor designs have earned international cult status amongst discerning audiophiles and sound engineers, and the virtues of such classics as the Spendor BC1 and LS3/5a are embodied in today's products

I nostri nuovi diffusori Spender A-Line dimostrano che non è necessario un grande spazio o budget per godere di un suono dinamico, aperto ed esilarante. Se sei una persona che ama veramente la musica, qualunque sia il modello che hai scelto, aggiungerà una nuova dimensione al tuo piacere di ascolto. Sono sottili, compatti e li puoi posizionare facilmente e discretamente nel tuo spazio vitale e riempiranno la stanza di un suono accattivante e chiaro. E grazie all'innovativa tecnologia Spendor, i diffusori A-Line otterranno il meglio da qualsiasi apparecchiatura tu abbia. I nuovi diffusori Spendor A-Line offrono prestazioni di primo livello. Sono i diffusori più adattabili e convenienti che abbiamo mai creato.

Our new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers prove you don’t need a big space, or budget, to enjoy dynamic, open and exhilarating sound. If you’re someone who truly loves music, whichever model you chose, they will add a whole new dimension to your listening pleasure. They are slim, compact and you can place them easily and unobtrusively into your living space and they will fill the room with a clear captivating sound. And thanks to innovative Spendor technology the A-Line loudspeakers will get the very best from whatever equipment you have.The new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers deliver class leading performance. They are the most adaptable and affordable loudspeakers we have ever created.


Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100  info@newaudio.it

SPENDOR A1                                                                                              Listino ufficiale   €.   1.060,00

2 vie da supporto a sospensione pneumatica. Risposta in frequenza 55Hz - 25kHz, potenza max 150 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 84 db, morsetti single-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione con raffreddamento liquido, MF/LF: cono Spendor 150 millimetri ep77; Dimensioni (AxLxP) 305 x 165 x 190 millimetri, Peso: 5 kg. Finiture: frassino nero, rovere naturale, noce scuro.   Versione  a  parete A1W  1.195,00  euro

Our new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers prove you don’t need a big space, or budget, to enjoy dynamic, open and exhilarating sound. If you’re someone who truly loves music, whichever model you chose, they will add a whole new dimension to your listening pleasure. They are slim, compact and you can place them easily and unobtrusively into your living space and they will fill the room with a clear captivating sound. And thanks to innovative Spendor technology the A-Line loudspeakers will get the very best from whatever equipment you have.The new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers deliver class leading performance. They are the most adaptable and affordable loudspeakers we have ever created.

SPENDOR A2                                                                                          Listino ufficiale   €.    1.400,00

 2 vie da pavimento con reflex posteriore a flusso libero di grande diametro che assicura un basso profondo e ben controllato. Risposta in frequenza 36Hz - 25kHz, potenza max 150 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 85 db, morsetti single-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione con raffreddamento liquido, MF/LF: cono Spendor 150 millimetri ep77; Dimensioni (AxLxP) 755 x 150 x 260 millimetri, Peso: 12 kg. Finiture: frassino nero, rovere naturale, noce scuro. 

Our new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers prove you don’t need a big space, or budget, to enjoy dynamic, open and exhilarating sound. If you’re someone who truly loves music, whichever model you chose, they will add a whole new dimension to your listening pleasure. They are slim, compact and you can place them easily and unobtrusively into your living space and they will fill the room with a clear captivating sound. And thanks to innovative Spendor technology the A-Line loudspeakers will get the very best from whatever equipment you have.The new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers deliver class leading performance. They are the most adaptable and affordable loudspeakers we have ever created.

SPENDOR A4                                                                                            Listino ufficiale   €.   1.945,00

2 vie da pavimento con reflex posteriore a flusso libero di grande diametro che assicura un basso profondo e ben controllato. Risposta in frequenza 34Hz - 25kHz, potenza max 200 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 86 db, morsetti single-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione con raffreddamento liquido, MF/LF: cono Spendor 180 millimetri ep77; Dimensioni (AxLxP) 795 x 165 x 290 millimetri, Peso: 16 kg. Finiture: frassino nero, rovere naturale, noce scuro

Our new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers prove you don’t need a big space, or budget, to enjoy dynamic, open and exhilarating sound. If you’re someone who truly loves music, whichever model you chose, they will add a whole new dimension to your listening pleasure. They are slim, compact and you can place them easily and unobtrusively into your living space and they will fill the room with a clear captivating sound. And thanks to innovative Spendor technology the A-Line loudspeakers will get the very best from whatever equipment you have.The new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers deliver class leading performance. They are the most adaptable and affordable loudspeakers we have ever created.

SPENDOR A7                                                                               Listino ufficiale   €.   2.700,00

2 vie da pavimento con reflex posteriore a flusso libero di 4° generazione che assicura un basso profondo eben controllato. Risposta in frequenza 32Hz - 25kHz, potenza max 200 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 88db, Crossover 3,7 kHz, morsetti single-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione conraffreddamento liquido, MF/LF: cono Spendor 180 millimetri ep77; Dimensioni (AxLxP) 934 x 180 x 305 millimetri, Peso: 18 kg. Finiture: frassino nero, rovere naturale, noce scuro e bianco satinato. Griglia opzionale

Our new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers prove you don’t need a big space, or budget, to enjoy dynamic, open and exhilarating sound. If you’re someone who truly loves music, whichever model you chose, they will add a whole new dimension to your listening pleasure. They are slim, compact and you can place them easily and unobtrusively into your living space and they will fill the room with a clear captivating sound. And thanks to innovative Spendor technology the A-Line loudspeakers will get the very best from whatever equipment you have.The new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers deliver class leading performance. They are the most adaptable and affordable loudspeakers we have ever created.

SPENDOR A1C                                                                                                          Listino ufficiale   €.  1.300,00

Canale Centrale. Finiture: frassino nero, ciliegio, rovere chiaro, noce scuro

Our new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers prove you don’t need a big space, or budget, to enjoy dynamic, open and exhilarating sound. If you’re someone who truly loves music, whichever model you chose, they will add a whole new dimension to your listening pleasure. They are slim, compact and you can place them easily and unobtrusively into your living space and they will fill the room with a clear captivating sound. And thanks to innovative Spendor technology the A-Line loudspeakers will get the very best from whatever equipment you have.The new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers deliver class leading performance. They are the most adaptable and affordable loudspeakers we have ever created.

SPENDOR A1W                                                                                                        Listino ufficiale   €.  1.020,00

2 vie da parete a sospensione pneumatica, con staffe per fissaggio. Risposta in frequenza 55Hz - 25kHz, potenza max 150 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 84 db, morsetti single-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione con raffreddamento liquido, MF/LF: cono Spendor 150 millimetri ep77; Dimensioni (AxLxP) 305 x 165 x 190 millimetri, Peso: 10 kg. Finiture: frassino nero, rovere naturale, noce scuro.

Our new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers prove you don’t need a big space, or budget, to enjoy dynamic, open and exhilarating sound. If you’re someone who truly loves music, whichever model you chose, they will add a whole new dimension to your listening pleasure. They are slim, compact and you can place them easily and unobtrusively into your living space and they will fill the room with a clear captivating sound. And thanks to innovative Spendor technology the A-Line loudspeakers will get the very best from whatever equipment you have.The new Spendor A-Line loudspeakers deliver class leading performance. They are the most adaptable and affordable loudspeakers we have ever created.

D-LINE Our new Spendor D-Line loudspeakers combine cuttingedge research and technical innovation with real-world design. They bring captivating sound quality to the music you love and fit easily and unobtrusively into any setting. Compatible with all good amplifiers, the floorstanding D7 and D9 deliver exceptional resolution and low-frequency power, communicating a vibrant realism to music of all genres. With their slim enclosures and smart modern finishes, they’re easy to place in dedicated listening rooms or everyday living spaces. All D-Line loudspeakers draw on our research into cabinet damping, advanced polymers, amplifier-loudspeaker interface, low-frequency airflow and sound behaviour. An inspiring and satisfying choice for audiophiles and discerning music-lovers.

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100  info@newaudio.it

SPENDOR   D7.2                                            Listino ufficiale   €.   3.860,00

2,5 vie dapavimento,Reflex Spendor a flusso lineare smorzato di quinta generazione con doppia portaVenturi,Risposta in frequenza29Hz-25kHz,potenza max200W,impedenza 8ohm,sensibilità 90db,morsetti single-wired,HF:Tweeter 22millimetri LPZapressione simmetrica lineare bilanciata consmorzamento acustico,MF/LF:cono Spendor EP77180 millimetri,LF:cono Spendor in Kevlar composito 180 millimetri;Dimensioni(AxLxP)950x192x320 millimetri,Peso: 21kg. Finiture:frassino nero, ciliegio, rovere naturale, noce scuro e bianco satinato.

The Spendor D7 delivers music with a fresh vibrant realism that conventional loudspeakers cannot match. This new level of performance is the direct result of important Spendor innovations.  The Spendor LPZ tweeter is built around a stainless steel front plate that forms an acoustic chamber directly in front of the lightweight diaphragm. The phase correcting microfoil equalises sound wave path lengths whilst generating a symmettrical pressure environment so the tweeter operates in a balanced linear mode. The D7 mid-bass drive unit has an advanced EP77 polymer cone, whilst the low frequency drive unit uses a bonded Kevlar composite. The latest fifth generation Spendor Linear Flow port features a twin-venturi, tapered baffle element working in harmony with Spendor's proven dynamic damping, asymmetric bracing and rigid plinth mountings

SPENDOR   D9.2                                                      Listino ufficiale   €.  6.595,00

3vie dapavimento,Reflex Spendora flusso linea smorzato diquinta generazione con doppia portaVenturi,Risposta infrequenza 27Hz-25kHz,potenza max250W,impedenza 8ohm,sensibilità 90db,morsetti single-wired,HF:Tweeter 22 millimetri LPZ a pressione simmetrica lineare bilanciata con smorzamento acustico,MF:cono Spendor EP77 inpolimero 180 millimetri,LF:2con iSpendor in Kevlar composito 180 millimetri,Dimensioni(AxLxP)1125x210x385millimetri,Peso:35Kg,Finiture:frassino nero, ciliegio, rovere naturale, noce scuro e bianco satinato.

CLASSIC Oltre cinquant'anni di diffusori Spendor Classic hanno guadagnato lo status di icona come standard di riferimento per molti audiofili, musicisti e tecnici del suono professionisti. Ispirato dall'entusiasmante risposta mondiale dopo l'introduzione della nostra ammiraglia Spendor SP200, per il 2017 stiamo introducendo i più significativi miglioramenti delle prestazioni in tutti i modelli. I nostri nuovi modelli sono costruiti attorno a una generazione completamente nuova di unità di trasmissione Spendor. Dotato di avanzati coni in polimero e Kevlar, chassis in lega di magnesio fuso, sistemi motore ad alta efficienza, smorzamento elettrodinamico ottimizzato ed eccellente dissipazione termica, offrono un suono davvero accattivante con trasparenza e contrasto dinamici senza precedenti. Con reti crossover meticolosamente raffinate, strutture dell'armadio migliorate, nuovo smorzamento del pannello in elastomero e griglie magnetiche di nuovo stile, i nuovi diffusori Spendor Classic offrono musica con il calore e il fascino accattivanti degli originali degli anni '70. Raffinato e perfezionato da oltre cinquant'anni, Spendor Classic offre il massimo del puro piacere di ascolto per audiofili seri.

CLASSIC Over five decades Spendor Classic loudspeakers have earned iconic status as the reference standard for many audiophiles, musicians and professional sound engineers. Inspired by the enthusiastic world-wide response following the introduction of our flagship Spendor SP200, for 2017 we are introducing the most significant performance improvements ever across all models. Our new models are built around a totally new generation of Spendor drive units. Featuring advanced polymer and Kevlar cones, cast magnesium alloy chassis, high-efficiency motor systems, optimised electro-dynamic damping and excellent thermal dissipation, they deliver a truly captivating sound with unprecedented transparency and dynamic contrast. With meticulously refined crossover networks, enhanced cabinet structures, new elastomer panel damping and new style magnetic grilles, the new Spendor Classic loudspeakers deliver music with the captivating warmth and charm of the 70s originals. Refined and perfected over five decades, Spendor Classic offers the ultimate in pure listening pleasure for serious audiophiles.

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100  info@newaudio.it

SPENDOR CLASSIC 4/5NEW                                                                          Listino ufficiale   €.     1.295,00

• Woofer in polimero Spendor ep77 da 150 mm • Tweeter con cupola in seta da 22mm, bobina raffreddata in ferrofluido • Risposta in frequenza 55 hz - 25 khz • Impedenza 8 Ω • Sensibilità 84 db • Frequenza di incrocio 4.2 khz • Amplificatore consigliato 25 -100 w • Dimensioni 308x188x165 mm • Peso 5 kg • Griglie incluse • Finiture: ciliegio, noce naturale

*OPTIONAL Stand 4/5 Coppia di Stand in acciaio pieno per SP1/2R2, altezza 450mm senza punte  610,00 euro

For over two decades Spendor was licensed to manufacture the legendary LS3/5a BBC mini-monitor loudspeaker. It became an international reference standard. In 1998 when Spendor learned that manufacture of the LS3/5a drive units was to cease, we decided to develop our own 140mm (5inch) bass-midrange drive unit using modern materials and technology. Combining this with a small 20mm soft dome tweeter, new crossover engineering and a more up-to-date look we created the Spendor S3/5. • Optimally damped, infinite baffle for easy room placement • Spendor 14cm drive unit with phase correction  • New 20mm soft dome tweeter  • High grade crossover network with gold conductors  • Single wired for consistent sound with all equipment  • Gold plated binding posts on the rear  • Temperature stabilised rubberised cabinet damping pads  • Classic thin-wall design to reference standards Many listeners consider it to be the most transparent and truly musical mini-loudspeaker they have ever heard, and the S3/5 has won many awards. The latest 'R' type continues to build on the legend.Description 2-way stand or open-shelf mounting loudspeaker  Enclosure type Sealed  HF drive unit 20mm soft dome with fluid cooling MF / LF drive unit Spendor 140mm ep39 cone  Sensitivity 84dB for 1 watt at 1 metre  Crossover point 5 kHz  Frequency response 75 Hz to 20 kHz ± 3dB anechoic  Typical in-room response -6dB at 60 Hz  Impedance 8 ohms nominal  Impedance minimum 6.3 ohms  Power handling 100 watts unclipped programme  Terminals 2/3 way binding posts single-wired  Cabinet (HxWxD) 305 x 165 x 190mm Finish black ash, cherry, light oak, rosenut, walnut  Weight 4.6 kg each  Stand height 500-650mm (not supplied)

SPENDOR CLASSIC 3/1                                                                    Listino ufficiale   €.   2.085,00

2 vie da supporto bass reflex schermato, Risposta in frequenza 40 Hz - 25 kHz, potenza max 150 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 88 db, Crossover 3,7 kHz, morsetti bi-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione con raffreddamento liquido, MF/LF: cono Spendor 180 millimetri; Dim. (AxLxP) 395 x 220 x 285 millimetri, Peso: 10,4 kg. Finiture: ciliegio, noce naturale.

*OPTIONAL Stand 2/3 Coppia di Stand in acciaio pieno per SP1/2R2, altezza 450mm senza punte  750,00 euro

Compact with high power handling and a natural sound that belies its size, the Spendor SP3/1R² draws together some of the most advanced features of Spendor designs resulting in a compact, high quality monitor loudspeaker. Loudspeakers of this size normally have difficulty in delivering a consistent sound across the frequency range, adding unnecessary colouration and dynamic inequalities to the stereo image but this is not the case with the Spendor SP3/1R².The latest R² version features a new bass/mid driver with an uprated voice coil and linear flux motor system. A low velocity large area reflex port compliments the improved low frequency alignment. Our wide-surround tweeter now brings a new level of clarity to this classic design. • New Spendor 18cm drive unit with large excursion motor • New 22mm wide surround tweeter for extended response • High grade crossover network with gold conductors  • Silver plated pure copper internal cables throughout  • Gold plated binding posts on the rear  • Temperature stabilised rubberised cabinet damping pads  • Classic thin-wall design to reference standards  Description 2-way stand or open-shelf mounting loudspeaker Enclosure type Reflex  HF drive unit 22mm wide-surround dome with fluid cooling  MF / LF drive unit Spendor 180mm polymer cone Sensitivity 88dB for 1 watt at 1 metre  Crossover point 3.7 kHz  Frequency response 65 Hz to 20 kHz ± 3dB anechoic Typical in-room response -6dB at 55 Hz  Impedance 8 ohms nominal  Impedance minimum 5.7 ohms  Power handling 150 watts unclipped programme  Terminals Gold 2/3 way binding posts bi-wired  Cabinet (HxWxD) 400 x 220 x 280mm  Finish cherry  Weight 9.5 kg each  Stand height 400-500mm (not supplied)  

SPENDOR CLASSIC 2/3                                                                                Listino ufficiale   €.    2.795,00

2 vie da supporto bass reflex schermato, Risposta in frequenza 35 Hz-25 kHz, potenza max 200 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 88 db, Crossover 3,6kHz, morsetti bi-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione con raffreddamento liquido, MF/LF: cono Spendor in polimero 210 millimetri; Dim. (AxLxP) 543x273x338 millimetri, Peso: 14,5 kg. Finiture: ciliegio, noce naturale

*OPTIONAL Stand 2/3 Coppia di Stand in acciaio pieno per SP1/2R2, altezza 450mm senza punte  800,00 euro

SP2/3R²  Without compromise to design or audio specification, the latest Spendor SP2/3R² demonstrates the same silky smooth, neutral sound which has made it's big brother, the SP1/2R such a favourite with professionals and music afficionados the world over. Housed in a more compact enclosure, the SP2/3R² is capable of dealing with the kind of demanding and revealing programme material that often defeats lesser loudspeakers• Spendor 21cm drive unit with phase correction design • New 22mm wide surround tweeter for extended response • High grade crossover network with gold conductors • Silver plated pure copper internal cables throughout • Gold plated binding posts on the rear • Temperature stabilised rubberised cabinet damping pads  • Classic thin-wall design to reference standards  .As with all Spendor models, the beauty and true virtue of the SP2/3R² is in what it doesn't do: there are no unnecessary distortions, colourations or dynamic inequalities which detract from the listening experience.The latest wide-surround small dome tweeter brings all the advantages of a large dome whilst maintaining the phase stability of a small domeDescription 2-way stand mounting loudspeaker  Enclosure type Reflex HF drive unit 22mm wide-surround dome with fluid cooling MF / LF drive unit Spendor 210mm polymer cone Sensitivity 88dB for 1 watt at 1 metre Crossover point 3.2 kHz Frequency response 60 Hz to 20 kHz ± 3dB anechoic  Typical in-room response -6dB at 50 Hz Impedance 8 ohms nominal Impedance minimum 6.8 ohms Power handling 150 watts unclipped programme  Terminals Gold 2/3 way binding posts bi-wired  Cabinet (HxWxD) 545 x 275 x 325mm  Finish cherry  Weight 14.3 kg each  Stand height 400-500mm (not supplied) 

SPENDOR CLASSIC 1/2R2                                                                        Listino ufficiale   €.   4.625,00

3 vie da supporto bass reflex schermato, Risposta in frequenza 55 Hz - 20 kHz, potenza max 150 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 88 db, morsetti bi-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione con raffreddamento liquido, MF/LF: cono Spendor in polimero 210 millimetri, Finiture: ciliegio (noce scuro per ordine speciale), Dimensioni (AxLxP) 635 x 300 x 300 millimetri, Peso: 18 kg ciascuno

*OPTIONAL Stand SP1/2R2 Coppia di Stand in acciaio pieno per SP1/2R2, altezza 450mm senza punte  1.090,00 euro

SP1/2R The Spendor SP1/2R offers a unique blend of audio quality, tonal accuracy, razor sharp stereo precision and craftsmanship. A product derived from many years of development in drive units, crossovers and cabinetry. A speaker which wears it's heritage with pride.Directly descended from the much praised and critically acclaimed Spendor BC1, the SP1/2R maintains the former's dimensions and uncanny mid and upper range accuracy at far higher sound pressure levels, with increased sensitivity, closer control of bass frequencies and lower mid-band colouration.It effortlessly meets the challenge set by infinitely variable listening conditions and offers consistent, faithful and neutral sound reproduction. • Spendor 21cm drive unit with phase correction design • Copper shielded midrange pole for low distortion • High grade crossover network with gold conductors • Silver plated pure copper internal cables throughout • Gold plated binding posts on the rear • Temperature stabilised rubberised cabinet damping pads • Classic thin-wall design to reference standards Description 3-way stand mounting loudspeaker  Enclosure type Reflex  SHF drive unit 19mm soft dome with fluid cooling  HF drive unit 38mm soft dome with copper shaded pole LF drive unit Spendor 210mm polymer cone Sensitivity 88dB for 1 watt at 1 metre  Crossover point 2.8 kHz, 13 kHz Frequency response 55 Hz to 20 kHz ± 3dB anechoic  Typical in-room response -6dB at 45 Hz  Impedance 8 ohms nominal Impedance minimum 7 ohms  Power handling 150 watts unclipped programme  Terminals Gold 2/3 way binding posts bi-wired  Cabinet (HxWxD) 635 x 300 x 300mm  Finish cherry  Weight 18 kg each  Stand height 350-450mm (not supplied)

SPENDOR CLASSIC 100                                                                              Listino ufficiale   €.    7.000,00

SPENDOR CLASSIC 100 TI                                                                          Listino ufficiale   €.    8.375,00

3 vie da supporto bass reflex schermato, Risposta in frequenza 25 Hz - 25 kHz, potenza max 250 W, impedenza 8 ohm, sensibilità 89 db, Crossover 490 Hz e 3,6 kHz, morsetti tri-wired, HF: 22 millimetri a cupola grande con sospensione con raffreddamento liquido, MF: cono Spendor in polimero 180 millimetri, LF: cono Spendor in bextrene 300 millimetri; Dimensioni (AxLxP) 700 x 370 x 433 millimetri, Peso: 36 kg. Finiture: ciliegio, noce scuro 

OPTIONAL Stand SP100R  Coppia di Stand in acciaio pieno per SP100, altezza 400mm senza punte 1.225,00 euro

SP100R  Presented in a superbly veneered enclosure, the Spendor SP100R is an evolution of the S100, S100P and SP100 loudspeaker systems. These have been recipients of numerous awards: the prestigious French Diapason d'or and the Japanese 'Component of the year' accolade to name but two. This was just the beginning as the speaker evolved with Spendors ability to design and build our own drive units to exactly match the acoustic requirements of the enclosure. The SP100R continues to set the standard by which other loudspeakers are judged. The SP100R is a testament to Spendor's unique understanding of cabinet design. Critical positioning of the drive units and internal enclosures control and reduce unwanted resonances to an absolute minimum.• Spendor 16cm midrange drive unit with phase correction design  • Spendor 300mm bass driver with lightweight treated cone  • Audio grade crossover components with gold conductors • Silver plated pure copper internal cables throughout • Gold plated binding posts on the rear  way stand mounting loudspeaker  Enclosure type Reflex  HF drive unit 19mm soft dome with fluid cooling  MF drive unit Spendor 160mm polymer cone  LF drive unit Spendor 300mm bextrene cone  Sensitivity 89dB for 1 watt at 1 metre  Crossover point 550 Hz, 5 kHz  Frequency response 45 Hz to 20 kHz ± 3dB anechoic  Typical in-room response -6dB at 35 Hz Impedance 8 ohms nominal  Impedance minimum 5.5 ohms  Power handling 200 watts unclipped programme  Terminals Gold 2/3 way binding posts bi-wired  Cabinet (HxWxD) 700 x 370 x 430mm  Finish cherry  Weight 36 kg each  Stand height 350-450mm (not supplied)

SPENDOR CLASSIC 200                                                                    Listino ufficiale   €.  13.325,00

SPENDOR CLASSIC 200 TI                                                                         Listino ufficiale   €.  16.100,00

3 vie da pavimento a sospensione pneumatica; Risposta in frequenza: 20 Hz - 25 kHz; Potenza max: 250 W; Impedenza: 8 ohm (min. 6,2); Sensibilità: 89 db; Crossover 550 Hz e 3,8 kHz, Connessioni: morsetti tri- wired; HF: 22 millimetri in poliammide con ampia sospensione; MF/BF: cono Spendor EP77 in polimero 180 millimetri; LF: 2 coni Spendor in bextrene 300 millimetri con cupole stabilizzatrici in Kevlar composito; Dim. (AxLxP) 1072 x 370 x 514 millimetri; Peso: 55 kg. Finiture: Ciliegio, noce naturale.

CLASSIC Over five decades Spendor Classic loudspeakers have earned iconic status as the reference standard for many audiophiles, musicians and professional sound engineers. Inspired by the enthusiastic world-wide response following the introduction of our flagship Spendor SP200, for 2017 we are introducing the most significant performance improvements ever across all models. Our new models are built around a totally new generation of Spendor drive units. Featuring advanced polymer and Kevlar cones, cast magnesium alloy chassis, high-efficiency motor systems, optimised electro-dynamic damping and excellent thermal dissipation, they deliver a truly captivating sound with unprecedented transparency and dynamic contrast. With meticulously refined crossover networks, enhanced cabinet structures, new elastomer panel damping and new style magnetic grilles, the new Spendor Classic loudspeakers deliver music with the captivating warmth and charm of the 70s originals. Refined and perfected over five decades, Spendor Classic offers the ultimate in pure listening pleasure for serious audiophiles.

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100  info@newaudio.it

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Per ordinare o avere gli ultimi prezzi aggiornati telefona al  0174 670100 o invia un E-mail a   info@newaudio.it

*I prezzi indicati  sono  di  listino  ufficiale  delle case produttrici ,nel  caso  di  diffusori  si  riferisce al prezzo  del  singolo  diffusore  per  offerte  ed  eventuali  promozioni  telefonare o  inviare e-mail.

*Il presente listino sostituisce ed annulla ogni precedente. Le caratteristiche e i prezzi indicati  possono variare senza preavviso telefonare o inviare un e-mail per ulteriori domande e conferme sui prezzi sopra riportati.

*Tutti i marchi citati nel presente listino sono di proprietà e registrati alle rispettive Case Produttrici

*Prezzi franco nostro magazzino

Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta   0174 670100   Telefona o invia un  e-mail per avere l'ultima offerta  0174 670100  info@newaudio.it