AUDIOQUEST NIAGARA 1200EU Listino ufficiale €. 990,00 Niagara 1200 nasce
dall’esperienza maturata con il prodotto Niagara 1000 e ne mi migliore le già
ottime caratteristiche. La differenza più evidente tra Niagara 1000 e 1200,
oltre alla particolare finitura testurizzata del 1200, sono il fattore di forma,
che ora è molto più ergonomico; inoltre il peso nella nuova versione raggiunge
valori da vero componente hi-end. La particolarità ergonomica di Niagara
1200, come dicevamo, nasce dal particolare fattore di forma che permette di
collocare il prodotto su un piano come un normale componente audio, con tutti i
cavi di entrata e di uscita nella parte posteriore; oppure può anche essere
usato "a faccia in giù" con le prese di corrente in alto, situazione molto utili
quando si desidera collocare Niagara 1200 tra i componenti audio e il muro
posteriore. Inoltre, Niagara 1200 è progettato anche per stare su un lato,
situazione molto comoda in spazi ridotti. Rispetto al prodotto da cui
deriva è stata aggiunta una seconda presa ad alta corrente; questo permette ai
possessori di subwoofer e amplificatori monofonici di evitare fastidiose
acrobazie nei collegamenti. Come il Niagara 1000, 5000 e 7000, il Niagara
1200 utilizza una tecnologia che si basa su batterie di condensatori, che
permettono di migliorare notevolmente la linearità e minimizzare la distorsione.
Il cablaggio utilizza conduttori ad anima solida a bassissima resistenza e
ottimizzati per la direzionalità a basso rumore, contatti dele prese d'ingresso
e uscita a bassa impedenza con spessa placcatura in argento ad immersione su
rame al berillio di elevata purezza, al fine di garantire un'eccellente
dissipazione del rumore. INiagara 1200 include il sistema AudioQuest di
dissipazione del rumore verso terra, con copertura lineare di oltre 18 ottave.
Come tutti i prodotti della serie a tutti i prodotti Niagara, nel 1200 è
presente l'esclusicìva protezione da sovracorrente non distruttiva con distacco
del carico a ripristino automatico; questo garantisce che tutti i componenti
audio/video sono completamente protetti da sbalzi di tensione della linea
elettrica.• Sette prese: Due ad alta corrente; Cinque con filtri lineari •
Sistema brevettato per la dissipazione del rumore verso terra per tutte le
uscite. Due banchi di dissipazione del rumore con controllo delladirezionalità.
• Cablaggio con conduttori ad anima solida a bassissima resistenza e con
controllo della direzionalità. • Condensatori ultra-lineari Audioquest per
la sezione di filtro in radio frequenza. • Tecnologia di dissipazione del rumore
lineare: filtro differenziale in alternata con copertura lineare di oltre 18
ottave e immune alle variazioni i’impedenza di linea o di carico. •
Protezione contro le sovratensioni: resiste a sovratensioni sequenziali con
picchi fino a 6000 V/3000 A senza subire danni. • Distacco del carico per
sovratensione con ripristino automatico. • Prese d'ingressi e d'uscite in
argento berillio della serie NRG a bassa Z (bassa impedenza). AUDIOQUEST NIAGARA 1000EU Listino ufficiale €. 1.195,00 Condizionatore di rete dotato di 1 presa ad alta corrente con dissipatore di rumore verso terra e di 5 prese con filtro ultra lineare e dissipatore di rumore - Cablaggio con conduttori ad anima solida a bassissima resistenza e controllati in direzionalità - Capacitori di filtro RF ultralineari progettati direttamente da AudioQuest - Tecnologia anti contaminazione della terra: Impedisce che il rumore o le sovratensioni presenti sulla rete elettrica raggiungano il riferimanto di massa - Prese Low-Z (a bassa impedenza) simili a quelle utilizzate nella serie NRG - Protezione contro le sovratensioni senza compromessi con repristino automatico - Resistenza a sovracorrenti e a picchi fino a 6000V - 3000A - Sistema di dissipazione del rumore dimassa brevettato: 3 stadi di dissipazione del rumore con controllo della direzionalità - Tecnologia ultra linerare per la dissipazione del rumore: sistema di filtraggio efficace sia per il rumore differenziale che di modo comune con risposta lineare che eccede le 18 ottave - Dimensioni 12 cm x 10 cm x 50 cm - Peso 2,5 Kg
AUDIOQUEST NIAGARA 5000EU Listino ufficiale €. 4.495,00 Correzione dei transienti fino ad una corrente di 80 Amp (Migliora le prestazioni e la riserva di potenza di qualunque amplificatore utilizzato). Filtro con campo di copertura superiore alle 23 ottave per la soppressione del rumore di tipo differenziale. Tecnologia brevettata per la dissipazione a terra del rumore. Sistema non invasivo e sonoramente trasparente per la protezione dalle sovratensioni mediante distacco e soppressione dei transienti. Massima corrente d'ingresso 20A (RMS) Uscite: Sorgenti (8); Alta corrente (3) Dimensioni: 44,45cm x 13,31cm x 43.69cm. Predisposizione per il montaggio a rack opzionale (tre unità). Peso: 17,24 kg
AUDIOQUEST NIAGARA 7000EU Listino ufficiale €. 8.995,00 Doppio
trasformatore d’isolamento dotato di circuito brevettato per la polarizzazione
del dielettrico. Correzione dei transienti fino ad una corrente di 80 Amp
(Migliora le prestazioni e la riserva di potenza di qualunque amplificatore
utilizzato). Filtro con campo di copertura superiore alle 23 ottave per la
soppressione del rumore di tipo differenziale. Tecnologia brevettata per la
dissipazione a terra del rumore. Sistema non invasivo e sonoramente trasparente
per la protezione dalle sovratensioni mediante distacco e soppressione dei
transienti. Massima corrente
AUDIOQUEST NIGHTHAWK Listino ufficiale €. 599,00 Audioquest | NightHawk Cuffie Stereo Serie NightHawk NightHawk è una cuffia del tipo semi aperto concepita per avvolgere completamente i padiglioni auricolari ed è progettata per essere un prodotto alla stato dell’arte per qualità, innovazione e sostenibilità; ma allo stesso tempo con un prezzo accessibile. I padiglioni di NightHawk sono realizzati con un materiale conosciuto come “Legno Liquido”; una varietà di legno naturale, che combinato con fibre vegetali rigenerate, è liquefatto attraverso un processo di riscaldamento; così da essere in seguito utilizzato come materiale per la stampa a iniezione. Archetto snodalo utilizzato da NightHawk distribuisce uniformemente il peso della cuffia. In sistema di sospensione, in attesa di brevetto, è allo stesso tempo semplice e ingegnoso; consente di adattarsi a qualsiasi forma e dimensione e contemporaneamente disaccoppia i padiglioni da perniciose risonanze parassite. NightHawk utilizza cuscinetti in morbida pelle prodotta da sintesi proteica. I cuscinetti sono realizzati con uno spessore maggiore nella parte posteriore e con un disegno che segue la forma del padiglione auricolare; questo aiuta ulteriormente il piacere d’uso e permette di angolare opportunamente l’emissione sonora per ottenere un’immagine sonora precisa e stabile. La maggior parte delle cuffie odierne utilizzano membrane realizzate in Mylar, un materiale plastico economico, leggero, e tecnologicamente maturo. Purtroppo il Mylar è strutturalmente cedevole e fragile e tipicamente raggiunge la massima distorsione del segnale audio nell’intervallo tra i 6-10kHz causando inevitabilmente un affaticamento all’ascolto. NightHawk adotta un approccio radicalmente diverso. Ispirandosi alle migliori membrane utilizzate negli altoparlanti moderni ad alte prestazioni, le unità da 50 millimetri ad alta escursione del progetto NightHawk posseggono diaframmi a guida assiale realizzate utilizzando una rivoluzionaria struttura in biocellulosa e gomma sintetica ai bordi. La biocellulosa è un materiale rigido auto smorzante, musicalmente più piacevole e preciso rispetto al Mylar. Per il progetto NightHawk si è deciso di utilizzare la tecnologia brevettate ad intercapedine suddivisa, in grado di ridurre drasticamente la distorsione d’intermodulazione sull’intero spettro sonoro oltre a rendere naturale e grande lo spazio sonoro riprodotto. La turbolenza dell’aria è uno degli aspetti che più contribuiscono alla produzione di distorsioni non lineari nelle cuffie. NightHawk utilizza guide curvilinee simmetricamente distribuite per condurre intelligentemente il flusso d’aria attraverso la struttura dell’unità interna, riducendo così l’effetto nocivo dell’ imprevedibile turbolenza generata dalle sacche d’aria durante il processo oscillatorio. Il suono risulterà chiaro e pulito, grande e naturale come dal vivoNightHawk è una cuffia ad apertura parziale posteriore dotata di griglia biomimetica ispirata alla struttura delle ali della farfalla: un affascinante reticolo cristallino tetragonale in grado creare l’iridescenza tramite interferenza con la luce incidente. • L’ascolto in cuffia con l’emozione di un un diffusore acustico• La struttura ergonomica brevettata permette il massimo comfort• Uso di materiali di qualità superiore e ecologici come il legno liquido • Diaframmi a guida assiali realizzati in biocellulosa• Il gruppo magnetodinamico è dotato di un sistema brevettato a intercapedine suddivisa che è in grado di ridurre la distorsione di intermodulazione • Griglia di diffusione realizzata in sintesi selettiva a luce coerente (stampa 3D) • Cavo di interconnessione realizzato seguendo gli standard qualitativi dei prodotti Audioquest• Adattatore da 3,5mm a 1/4 di pollice laminato in argento ad alte prestazione
AUDIOQUEST DRAGONFLY BLACK Listino ufficiale €. 99,00 Audioquest | DragonFly Black Convertitori DAC - Digital Audio Converter Serie DragonFly Convertitore Audio Digitale USB miniaturizzato. Riproduce qualunque contenuto musicale digitale, dall’MP3 filo ai formati in alta risoluzione. Compatibile con le piattaforme Apple e Windows e con i dispositivi iOS e Android. Trasferimento dati USB asincrono Classe 1 utilizzando il protocollo Stremlenght TM. Uscita a livello constante per il collegamento a preamplificatori o sintoampli. Il livello d’uscita di 1,2V è sufficiente per pilotare la maggior parte delle cuffie presenti sul mercato. Utilizza il DAC a 32-bit ESS 9010 con filtraggio a ridotta rotazione di fase. Controllo di volume analogico
DRAGONFLY Dragonfly Audioquest Audioquest debutta con il primo DAC Hi End portatile al mondo. Qualsiasi computer potrà essere convertito in una sorgente senza compromessi, semplicemente utilizzando Dragonfly Libellula, Dragonfly, così il geniale Bill Low deus ex machina di Audioquest ha voluto chiamare la sua ultima creazione, ispirandosi al tratto fine di questo insetto, che caratterizza poi anche il suo DAC. Le dimensioni di Dragonfly sono infatti molto modeste, tanto da poter essere confuse con una unità di memoria, a parte il piccolo rigonfiamento sulla parte posteriore, ad accogliere il mini-jack da 3,5 dell’uscita analogica. Ma Dragonfly è ben altro che una memory stick, all’interno infatti batte il cuore di un potente DAC96 kHz/24 bit con alimentazione surdevoltata attraverso particolari circuiti cuciti su misura per la “Libellula”. Ma le particolarità tecniche non sono finite qui, il DAC interno è un ESS sabre di ultima generazione, offre trasferimento dati USB asincrono di classe 1, ed è dotato di un doppio circuito di clock per minimizzare il Jitter. Dragonfly ha poi dei circuiti di uscita molto versatili, e in grado di pilotare senza problemi qualsiasi tipo di cuffia (impedenza minima 12 ohm), come ogni tipo di amplificatore, grazie ai 2V RMS di uscita. Le frequenze di campionamento supportate sono 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88,2 kHz e 96 kHz, e vengono segnalate da un led multicolore posto sul corpo del convertitore.
AUDIOQUEST DRAGONFLY RED Listino ufficiale €. 199,00
Sono passati quasi quattro anni da quando il
primo DragonFly (v1.0) cambiò il concetto di DAC, creando una tipologia di
prodotto tutta nuova, un DAC ad elevate prestazioni compatto come una memoria
USB. Solo 249 Euro per entrarne in possesso: componenti di alta qualità e
prestazioni incredibili facevano di DragonFly un prodotto unico. Un anno e mezzo
più tardi Audioquest stupì di nuovo la comunità audio, introducendo DragonFly
v1.2 a soli 149 Euro e che offriva prestazioni inequivocabilmente migliori. Il
minor prezzo permise a molte più persone di ascoltare la loro musica preferita a
un livello di riproduzione superiore. ACCESSORI
Sistema SorboGel Q Feet -Confezione composta da 4 smorzatori di energia dotati di “alloggiamento”. Ogni smorzatore supporta fi no a 4kg.
AUDIOQUEST DBS €.150,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST G2 €. 4,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST 16/2 FLX/SLiP €. 3,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST 14/2 FLX/SLiP €. 4,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST X2 €. 6,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST G4 €. 6,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST FT-4 €. 6,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL FT-4 is unique within the Flat Series because it departs from Semi-Solid Concentric Packed Conductors in favor of AudioQuest's preferred Solid-Core Conductors. SOLID LONG-GRAIN COPPER CONDUCTORS (LGC): FT-4's LGC conductors allows a smoother and clearer sound than cables using regular OFHC (Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity) copper. OFHC is a general metal industry specification regarding “loss” without any concern for distortion. LGC has fewer oxides within the conducting material, less impurities, less grain boundaries, and definitively better performance. All four of FT-4’s conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the single greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat harsh, dirty and confused sound. Solid conductors are the most important ingredient enabling FT-4’s very clear sound. Whether a conductor is solid or stranded, skin-effect is a prime distortion mechanism in speaker cables. FT-4 very simply keeps this effect out of the audio range by using conductor sizes that are below the threshold for audible distortion. SPREAD-SPECTRUM TECHNOLOGY (SST): Any single size or shape of conductor has a specific distortion profile. Even though radially symmetrical conductors (solid or tubular) have the fewest discontinuities, any conductor of a particular size does have a sonic signature. SST is a method for significantly reducing the awareness of these character flaws by using a precise combination of different size conductors.
AUDIOQUEST 16/4 FLX/SLiP €. 5,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST 14/4 FLX/SLiP €. 6,75 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST TYPE2 €. 9,50 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL The 4-Series of AudioQuest speakers cables may be the most successful in AudioQuest’s 30+ year history. Type 2's roots go all the way back to the late 80's... SOLID LONG-GRAIN COPPER CONDUCTORS (LGC): Type 2’s Long-Grain Copper allows a smoother and clearer sound than cables using regular OFHC (Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity) copper. OFHC is a general metal industry specification regarding “loss” without any concern for distortion. LGC has fewer oxides within the conducting material, less impurities, less grain boundaries, and definitively better performance. All four of Type 2’s conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the single greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat harsh, dirty and confused sound. Solid conductors are the most important ingredients enabling Type 2’s very clear sound. Whether a conductor is solid or stranded, skin-effect is a prime distortion mechanism in speaker cables. Type 2 very simply keeps this effect out of the audio range by using conductor sizes that are below the threshold for audible distortion.CARBON-BASED NOISE-DISSIPATION (INSULATION): The two negative conductors in Type 2 are insulated with partially conductive Carbon-Loaded Polyethylene. This remarkable material damps radio-frequency garbage from being fed back into the amplifier. The sonic benefit is exactly the same reduction in “hash” and better dimensionality that comes whenever RF garbage is reduced in an audio circuit. Type 2 uses Foamed-Polyethylene Insulation on its positive conductors because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. Thanks to all the air in Foamed-PE, it causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials. STAR-QUAD GEOMETRY: The relationship between conductors defines a cable's most basic electrical values (capacitance and inductance). However, even when those variables are kept in a reasonable balance, the relationship between conductors can be varied in ways that greatly affect the sound. The Star-Quad construction of Type 2 allows for significantly better dynamic contrast and information intelligibility than if the same conductors were run in parallel. SPREAD-SPECTRUM TECHNOLOGY (SST): Any single size or shape of conductor has a specific distortion profile. Even though radially symmetrical conductors (solid or tubular) have the fewest discontinuities, any conductor of a particular size does have a sonic signature. SST is a method for significantly reducing the awareness of these character flaws by using a precise combination of different size conductors. The different SST-determined conductor sizes used in Type 2 allow an exceptionally clear, clean and dynamic sound. TERMINATIONS: AudioQuest offers a wide range of high-quality connectors that allow Type-2 to be securely attached to any type of equipment. Quality is in the low-distortion sound, not necessarily in the eye-candy effect. AQ ends are either a dull looking gold or silver because these metals are plated directly over the connector. There is no shiny and harsh sounding nickel layer underneath. AQ PK-spade plugs are soft because better metal is soft, and facilitates a higher quality connection. For pieces requiring a banana plug or BFA connector the AQ PK-BFA/Banana provides unprecedented performance over conventional brass versions.APPLICATION: The PVC “pants” on either end of Type 2 are marked “Speaker End” or “Amp End.” Please use cables in the direction required. AUDIOQUEST TYPE4 €. 33,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST ROCKET33 €. 55,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST ROCKET44 €. 98,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL
AUDIOQUEST GO4 €. 100,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL GO-4 is a step up in the Star-Quad series by
virtue of offering higher-quality metal and the addition of AudioQuest's
patented Dielectric-Bias System. These two advancements significantly better the
performance of Type 4, the most successful speaker cable in our 30+ year history.
SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ CONDUCTORS (PSC+): GO-4 uses extremely high-purity
Perfect-Surface Copper+ conductors. All conductors are solid, which prevents
strand interaction, a major source of distortion. Surface quality is critical
because a conductor can be considered a rail-guide for both the electric fields
within a conductor, and for the magnetic fields outside the conductor. The
astonishingly smooth and pure PSC+ eliminates harshness and greatly increases
clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other coppers. The superior purity of PSC+
further minimizes distortion caused by grain boundaries, which exist within any
metal conductor. CARBON-BASED NOISE-DISSIPATION (INSULATION): The two negative
conductors in GO-4 are insulated with partially conductive Carbon-Loaded
Polyethylene. This remarkable material damps radio-frequency garbage from being
fed back into the amplifier. The sonic benefit is exactly the same reduction in
“hash” and better dimensionality that comes whenever RF garbage is reduced in an
audio circuit. GO-4 uses air-filled Foamed-Polyethylene Insulation on its
positive conductors because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is
low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. Thanks to all the air in Foamed-PE,
it causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials.
STAR-QUAD GEOMETRY: The relationship between conductors defines a cable's most
basic electrical values (capacitance and inductance). However, even when those
variables are kept in a reasonable balance, the relationship between conductors
can be varied in ways that greatly affect the sound. The Star-Quad construction
of GO-4 allows for significantly better dynamic contrast and information
intelligibility than if the same conductors were run in parallel.
SPREAD-SPECTRUM TECHNOLOGY (SST): Any single size or shape of conductor has a
specific distortion profile. Even though radially symmetrical conductors (solid
or tubular) have the fewest discontinuities, any conductor of a particular size
does have a sonic signature. SST is a method for significantly reducing the
awareness of these character flaws by using a precise combination of different
size conductors. The different SST-determined conductor sizes used in GO-4 allow
an exceptionally clear, clean and dynamic sound. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US
Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the
conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal
differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio.
AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates
and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both
energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that
occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail
and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button
and LED allow for the occasional battery check. TERMINATIONS: AudioQuest offers
a wide range of high-quality connectors that allow GO-4 to be securely attached
to any type of equipment. Quality is in the low-distortion sound, not
necessarily in the eye-candy effect. AQ ends are either a dull looking gold or
silver because these metals are plated directly over the connector. There is no
shiny and harsh sounding nickel layer underneath. AQ PK-spade lugs are soft
because better metal is soft, and facilitates a higher quality connection. For
pieces requiring a banana plug or BFA connector the AQ PK-BFA/Banana provides
unprecedented performance over conventional brass versions. APPLICATION: The
metal breakouts on either end of GO-4 are marked “Speaker End” or “Amp End.”
Please use cables in the direction required. AUDIOQUEST ROCKET88 €. 165,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL Rocket 88 incorporates AudioQuest's patented Dielectric-Bias System (DBS) and replaces Long-Grain Copper with Perfect-Surface Copper+. DBS offers a lower noise-floor, so you can hear deeper into the nuances of your favorite music. At the same time the addition of more PSC+ offers a smoother, more relaxed, and natural sonic timbre and texture. SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER/PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ (PSC/PSC+) CONDUCTORS: Rocket 88 uses a carefully finessed and optimized combination of Perfect-Surface Copper and extremely high-purity Perfect-Surface Copper+. The astonishingly smooth and pure combination of PSC+ and PSC significantly eliminates harshness and greatly increases clarity. Rocket 88’s conductor mix is dominated by PSC+. CARBON-BASED NOISE-DISSIPATION (INSULATION): The four negative conductors in Rocket 88 are insulated with partially conductive Carbon-Loaded Polyethylene. This remarkable material damps radio-frequency garbage from being fed back into the amplifier. The sonic benefit is exactly the same reduction in “hash” and better dimensionality that comes whenever RF garbage is reduced in an audio circuit. Rocket 88 uses Foamed-Polyethylene Insulation on its positive conductors because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss with a benign distortion profile. Thanks to all the air in Foamed-Polyethylene Insulation, it causes much less of the "out-of-focus" effect common to other materials. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check. DOUBLE STAR-QUAD GEOMETRY: The relationship between conductors defines a cable's most basic electrical values (capacitance and inductance). However, even when those variables are kept in a reasonable balance, the relationship between conductors can be varied in ways that greatly affect the sound. The Double Star-Quad construction of Rocket 88 allows for significantly better dynamic contrast and information intelligibility than if the same conductors were run in parallel. SPREAD-SPECTRUM TECHNOLOGY (SST): Any single size or shape of conductor has a specific distortion profile. Even though radially symmetrical conductors (solid or tubular) have the fewest discontinuities, any conductor of a particular size does have a sonic signature. SST is a method for significantly reducing the awareness of these character flaws by using a precise combination of different sized conductors. The different SST-determined conductor sizes used in Rocket 88 allow an exceptionally clear, clean and dynamic sound. BIWIRING: Rocket 88 is an exceptional Single-BiWire cable. When the halves are separated at the speaker end, the Double Star-Quad Geometry turns Rocket 88 into a true Double-BiWire set thanks to the magnetic autonomy of each Quad-conductor section. On its own, one Star-Quad conductor group would be a little lightweight in performance as it is biased towards treble finesse. The other Star-Quad conductor group is biased toward the bass; it's more forceful and lacking ultimate resolution. Together they form a completely optimized full-range design. When separated, the Double Star-Quad design allows Rocket 88 to be a maximum-performance Double BiWire in a single cable. TERMINATIONS: AudioQuest offers a wide range of high-quality connectors that allow Rocket 88 to be securely attached to any type of equipment. Quality is in the low-distortion sound, not necessarily in the eye-candy effect. AQ ends are either dull looking gold or silver because these metals are plated directly over the connector. There is no shiny and harsh sounding nickel layer underneath. AQ PK-spade lugs are soft because better metal is soft, and facilitates a higher quality connection. For pieces requiring a banana plug or BFA connector the AQ PK-BFA/Banana provides unprecedented performance over conventional brass versions. CAVO PER DIFFUSORI A CONFEZIONE
Evergreen The Evergreen Point Floating Bridge connects Seattle, Washington (USA) to the Bellevue area across Lake Washington. Since opening in 1963, its 2,285 meters (7,497 ft) makes it the longest floating bridge in the world. The structure includes 33 pre-stressed concrete pontoons averaging 110 meters (360 ft) long and 18 meters (60 ft) wide. SOLID LONG-GRAIN COPPER CONDUCTORS (LGC): Solid conductors eliminate strand-interaction distortion. Evergreen's solid Long-Grain Copper allows a smoother and clearer sound than cables using regular OFHC (Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity) copper. OFHC is a general metal industry specification regarding “loss” without any concern for distortion. LGC has fewer oxides within the conducting material, less impurities, less grain boundaries, and definitively better performance. FOAMED-POLYETHYLENE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. Evergreen uses air-filled Foamed-Polyethylene Insulation on both conductors because air absorbs next to no energy and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. Thanks to all the air in Foamed-PE, it causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials. METAL-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Noise-Dissipation System prevents a significant amount of RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. DOUBLE-BALANCED ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRY: Purpose designed for single-ended applications, Double-Balanced Asymmetrical Geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, and more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both the ground and the shield, Double-Balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance. COLD-WELDED GOLD-PLATED RCA PLUGS: This plug design allows for a connection devoid of solder, which is a common source of distortion. Because the ground shells are stamped instead of machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion instead of machinability
Golden Gate The nearly magical confluence of land and sea where the San Francisco Peninsula reaching up from the south, and Marin County stretching down from the north, almost touch, was named "Chrysopylea," meaning "golden gate," by Captain John C. Fremont in 1846. The Golden Gate Bridge was the longest suspension bridge in the world from 1937 to 1964, when New York City's Verrazano Narrows surpassed it by a mere 18 meters (60 ft). The main span is 1,280 meters (4,200 ft) long and 27 meters (90 ft) wide, the towers rise to 227 meters (746 ft) above the water. SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER CONDUCTORS (PSC): Perfect-Surface Copper has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion conductor. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by this huge leap in performance. PSC clearly outperforms previous AQ metals that cost over ten times as much. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Golden Gate's very clean sound. FOAMED-POLYETHYLENE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. Golden Gate uses air-filled Foamed-Polyethylene Insulation on both conductors because air absorbs next to no energy and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. Thanks to all the air in Foamed-PE, it causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials. METAL-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Noise-Dissipation System prevents a significant amount of RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. DOUBLE-BALANCED ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRY: Purpose designed for single-ended applications, Double-Balanced Asymmetrical Geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, and more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both the ground and the shield, Double-Balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance. COLD-WELDED GOLD-PLATED RCA PLUGS: This plug design allows for a connection devoid of solder, which is a common source of distortion. Because the ground shells are stamped instead of machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion instead of machinability.
Big Sur Spanning a creek and a formidable travel-impeding canyon, the Bixby Creek Bridge compliments and counterpoints the majestic beauty of California's spectacular coastline just north of Big Sur, 190km (120 miles) south of San Francisco. As an integral part of this stretch of landscape, the bridge has been featured in numerous TV shows and movies, and is seen on travel posters all over the world SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ CONDUCTORS (PSC+): Perfect-Surface Copper+ has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion PSC+ conductor. PSC+ is manufactured by applying the same exceptional technology to an ultra-pure copper. The resulting sound quality is even more focused and simply less in the way. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by the huge leap in performance made possible with Perfect-Surface Technology. PSC+ simply outperforms all previously available copper metals at any price. All of Big Sur's conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Big Sur’s very clean sound. FOAMED-POLYETHYLENE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. Big Sur uses air-filled Foamed-Polyethylene Insulation on both conductors because air absorbs next to no energy and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. Thanks to all the air in Foamed-PE, it causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials. METAL-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Noise-Dissipation System prevents a significant amount of RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. DOUBLE-BALANCED ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRY: Purpose designed for single-ended applications, Double-Balanced Asymmetrical Geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, and more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both the ground and the shield, Double-Balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance. COLD-WELDED GOLD-PLATED PURE "PURPLE-COPPER" RCA PLUGS: This plug design allows for a connection devoid of solder, which is a common source of distortion. Because the ground shells are stamped instead of machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion instead of machinability. Purple-Copper offers a cleaner, clearer sound than the nickel-plated or OFHC metals commonly found in competing manufacturers' plugs
Sydney The Sydney Harbour Bridge is the tallest and widest steel-arch bridge in the world, and the fifth longest. The "Coathanger" (the bridge's nickname) is just behind the Sydney Opera House for worldwide recognition as a symbol of Sydney, and as a symbol for all of Australia. An organized 'Bridge Climb' is offered many times a day to the top of the bridge, offering a truly exceptional view of Sydney's amazing harbor from 134 meters (440 ft) above the water. SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ CONDUCTORS (PSC+): Perfect-Surface Copper+ has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion PSC+ conductor. PSC+ is manufactured by applying the same exceptional technology to an ultra-pure copper. The resulting sound quality is even more focused and simply less in the way. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by the huge leap in performance made possible with Perfect-Surface Technology. PSC+ simply outperforms all previously available copper metals at any price. All of Sydney's conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Sydney’s very clean sound. POLYETHYLENE AIR-TUBE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. All of Sydney’s conductors use PE Air-Tube Insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. PE Air-Tube Insulation causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials. CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. DOUBLE-BALANCED ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRY: Purpose designed for single-ended applications, Double-Balanced Asymmetrical Geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, and more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both the ground and the shield, Double-Balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance. COLD-WELDED DIRECT-SILVER PLATED PURE "PURPLE-COPPER" RCA PLUGS: This plug design allows for a connection devoid of solder, which is a common source of distortion. Because the ground shells are stamped instead of machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion instead of machinability. Purple-Copper offers a cleaner, clearer sound over nickel-plated or OFHC metals commonly found in competing manufacturers' plugs. Direct-Silver Plating offers one more important step toward greater clarity and doing no harm to the signal.
Victoria Over 50,000 people have bungee jumped off the Victoria Falls Bridge, thrilling to a drop of 111 metres (364 ft) in front of spectacular Victoria Falls. The bridge crosses the Zambezi River, which is the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia in South-Eastern Africa. While neither the highest nor widest falls in the world, Victoria Falls is the largest sheet of falling water in the world with a width of 1,708 meters (5,604 ft) and height of 108 meters (354 ft). SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ CONDUCTORS (PSC+): Perfect-Surface Copper+ has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion PSC+ conductor. PSC+ is manufactured by applying the same exceptional technology to an ultra-pure copper. The resulting sound quality is even more focused and simply less in the way. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by the huge leap in performance made possible with Perfect-Surface Technology. PSC+ simply outperforms all previously available copper metals at any price. All of Victoria's conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Victoria’s very clean sound. POLYETHYLENE AIR-TUBE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. All of Victoria’s conductors use PE Air-Tube Insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. PE Air-Tube Insulation causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check. CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. DOUBLE-BALANCED ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRY: Purpose designed for single-ended applications, Double-Balanced Asymmetrical Geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, and more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both the ground and the shield, Double-Balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance.COLD-WELDED DIRECT-SILVER PLATED PURE "RED-COPPER" RCA PLUGS: This plug design allows for a connection devoid of solder, which is a common source of distortion. Because the ground shells are stamped instead of machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion instead of machinability. Red-Copper offers a cleaner, clearer sound over nickel-plated or OFHC metals commonly found in competing manufacturers' plugs. Direct-Silver Plating offers one more important step toward greater clarity and doing no harm to the signal.
Yosemite The Yosemite Valley in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains is world famous for its beauty, for naturalist John Muir's work to preserve the Valley, and for Ansel Adams astonishing black & white photographs ("Yosemite and the Range of Light"). Like other glacier-carved fjord-type valleys, such as the famous fjords of Western Norway, the Yosemite Valley is graced with gorgeous waterfalls along both sides. Giant Sequoia trees, the largest trees in the world, further enhance Yosemite as possibly the most beautiful of all US National Parks. SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ CONDUCTORS (PSC+): Perfect-Surface Copper+ has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion PSC+ conductor. PSC+ is manufactured by applying the same exceptional technology to an ultra-pure copper. The resulting sound quality is even more focused and simply less in the way. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by the huge leap in performance made possible with Perfect-Surface Technology. PSC+ simply outperforms all previously available copper metals at any price. All of Yosemite's conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Yosemite’s very clean sound. FEP AIR-TUBE INSULATION (FEP is a Fluoro-Polymer): Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then later released as distortion. All of Yosemite’s conductors use Air-Tube insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and FEP is the best extrudable solid insulation and absorbs less energy than other materials. The FEP Air-Tubes used in Yosemite have almost nothing but air around the solid PSC+ conductors. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check. CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. DOUBLE-BALANCED ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRY: Purpose designed for single-ended applications, Double-Balanced Asymmetrical Geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, and more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both the ground and the shield, Double-Balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance. COLD-WELDED DIRECT-SILVER PLATED PURE "RED-COPPER" RCA PLUGS: This plug design allows for a connection devoid of solder, which is a common source of distortion. Because the ground shells are stamped instead of machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion instead of machinability. Red-Copper offers a cleaner, clearer sound over nickel-plated or OFHC metals commonly found in competing manufacturers' plugs. Direct-Silver Plating offers one more important step toward greater clarity and doing no harm to the signal.
Angel Venezuela's Angel Falls is the world's highest waterfall, with a height of 979 meters (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 meters (2,648 ft). The Spanish name "Salto Ángel," and the English name "Angel Falls," come from Jimmie Angel's surname. Angel was a US aviator who was the first to fly over the falls. In addition to its singular status as a waterfall, and the above-and-beyond status of angels, pure-silver Angel cable gets its name in part because Ag is the chemical name for silver. SOLID 100% PERFECT-SURFACE SILVER CONDUCTORS (PSS): Perfect-Surface Technology applied to extreme-purity silver provides unprecedented clarity and dynamic contrast. Solid conductors prevent strand interaction, a major source of cable distortion. Extremely high-purity Perfect-Surface Silver minimizes distortion caused by the grain boundaries which exist within any metal conductor, nearly eliminating harshness and greatly increasing clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other coppers. FEP AIR-TUBE INSULATION (FEP is a Fluoro-Polymer): Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then later released as distortion. All of Angel’s conductors use Air-Tube insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and FEP is the best extrudable solid insulation and absorbs less energy than other materials. The FEP Air-Tubes used in Angel have almost nothing but air around the solid PSS conductors. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check. CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. DOUBLE-BALANCED ASYMMETRICAL GEOMETRY: Purpose designed for single-ended applications, Double-Balanced Asymmetrical Geometry offers a relatively lower impedance on the ground for a richer, and more dynamic experience. While many single-ended cable designs use a single path for both the ground and the shield, Double-Balanced designs separate the two for cleaner, quieter performance. COLD-WELDED DIRECT-SILVER PLATED PURE "RED-COPPER" RCA PLUGS: This plug design allows for a connection devoid of solder, which is a common source of distortion. Because the ground shells are stamped instead of machined, the metal can be chosen for low distortion instead of machinability. Red-Copper offers a cleaner, clearer sound over nickel-plated or OFHC metals commonly found in competing manufacturers' plugs. Direct-Silver Plating offers one more important step toward greater clarity and doing no harm to the signal.
Diamondback This giant leap won't leave you rattled! Diamondback marks a departure from our single-ended symmetrical design and takes you, the listener, into the world of our Triple-Balanced designs. Our Noise-Dissipation System (NDS) prevents captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment's ground reference. Diamondback will take a fatal bite out of many competitors' cables costing several times more. SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER CONDUCTORS (PSC): Perfect-Surface Copper has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion conductor. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by this huge leap in performance. PSC clearly outperforms previous AQ metals that cost over ten times as much. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Diamondback's very clean sound. POLYETHYLENE AIR-TUBE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. All of Diamondback’s conductors use PE Air-Tube Insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. PE Air-Tube Insulation causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other materials. CARBON-BASED 2-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. TRIPLE-BALANCED GEOMETRY: The three conductors in “Triple-Balanced” Diamondback cables ensure that whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the positive and negative signals have equally low-distortion conducting paths. The 100% coverage shield is never used as an inferior conductor. COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept completely intact. The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste. (Diamondback’s copper conductors get copper paste.) XLR plugs are also available
King Cobra Cobras are known for their agility
and keen sensitivities. AudioQuest King Cobra incorporates all of the
advancements bestowed upon Diamondback with one exception: The addition of
Perfect-Surface Copper conductors (PSC+). PSC+ causes less harm to the signal
offering another level of dimension and clarity for an experience you won't soon
has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing
technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication.
When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible,
it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion PSC+ conductor. PSC+ is manufactured by
applying the same exceptional technology to an ultra-pure copper. The resulting
sound quality is even more focused and simply less in the way. For over 30 years
AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised
by the huge leap in performance made possible with Perfect-Surface Technology.
PSC+ simply outperforms all previously available copper metals at any price. All
of King Cobra's conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction
between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion,
often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental
toward achieving King Cobra's very clean sound. POLYETHYLENE AIR-TUBE INSULATION:
Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect
circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss).
Some of this energy is stored and then released as distortion. All of King
Cobra’s conductors use PE Air-Tube Insulation because air absorbs next to no
energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a benign distortion profile. PE
Air-Tube Insulation causes much less of the out-of-focus effect common to other
coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the
equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and
Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground
plane. TRIPLE-BALANCED GEOMETRY: The three conductors in “Triple-Balanced” King
Cobra cables ensure that whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the positive
and negative signals have equally low-distortion conducting paths. The 100%
coverage shield is never used as an inferior conductor. COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This
plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The
connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System,
which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity
of the conductor is kept completely intact. The Cold-Weld System refers to a
combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or
silver-impregnated paste. (King Cobra’s copper conductors get copper paste.)
Columbia improves upon one technology and
introduces another. AudioQuest's Noise-Dissipation System receives an additional
layer, which further reduces the modulation of noise on the ground plane. Next,
we integrate Dielectric-Bias System (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1).
DBS reduces the loss and distortion of the audio signal, preserving the subtle
nuances and textures. Your music will appear from a "blacker" background with
Perfect-Surface Copper+ has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface.
Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every
stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as
soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion PSC+
conductor. PSC+ is manufactured by applying the same exceptional technology to
an ultra-pure copper. The resulting sound quality is even more focused and
simply less in the way. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of
superior metals; yet even we were surprised by the huge leap in performance made
possible with Perfect-Surface Technology. PSC+ simply outperforms all previously
available copper metals at any price. All of Columbia's conductors are solid.
Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is
the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound.
Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Columbia's very clean
sound.POLYETHYLENE AIR-TUBE INSULATION: Any solid material adjacent to a
conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit
board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then
released as distortion. All of Columbia’s conductors use PE Air-Tube Insulation
because air absorbs next to no energy, and Polyethylene is low-loss and has a
benign distortion profile. PE Air-Tube Insulation causes much less of the
out-of-focus effect common to other materials. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US
Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the
conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal
differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio.
AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates
and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both
energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that
occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail
and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button
and LED allow for the occasional battery check.CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER
NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing
captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference
requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics
prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. TRIPLE-BALANCED
GEOMETRY: The three conductors in “Triple-Balanced” Columbia cables ensure that
whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the positive and negative signals have
equally low-distortion conducting paths. The 100% coverage shield is never used
as an inferior conductor. COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This plug design enables a perfect
heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and
conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior
connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept
completely intact. The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure
at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste. (Columbia’s
copper conductors get copper paste.) XLR plugs are also available. Colorado FEP Air-Tube technology is what separates Colorado from its predecessor. FEP (a Fluoro-Polymer) is a fantastic insulator, offering lower distortion than any other insulation. Colorado will allow you to enjoy a greater sense of timing and cohesion as you drift blissfully into the music. SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ CONDUCTORS (PSC+): Perfect-Surface Copper+ has an astonishingly smooth and pure surface. Proprietary metal-processing technology protects the wire’s surface at every stage of drawing and fabrication. When high-purity low-oxide copper is kept as soft, pure and smooth as possible, it becomes a wonderfully low-distortion PSC+ conductor. PSC+ is manufactured by applying the same exceptional technology to an ultra-pure copper. The resulting sound quality is even more focused and simply less in the way. For over 30 years AudioQuest has pioneered the use of superior metals; yet even we were surprised by the huge leap in performance made possible with Perfect-Surface Technology. PSC+ simply outperforms all previously available copper metals at any price. All of Colorado's conductors are solid. Electrical and magnetic interaction between strands in a conventional cable is the greatest source of distortion, often causing a somewhat dirty, harsh sound. Solid conductors are fundamental toward achieving Colorado's very clean sound. FEP AIR-TUBE INSULATION (FEP is a Fluoro-Polymer): Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then later released as distortion. All of Colorado’s conductors use Air-Tube insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and FEP is the best extrudable solid insulation and absorbs less energy than other materials. The FEP Air-Tubes used in Colorado have almost nothing but air around the solid PSC+ conductors. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check. CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane.TRIPLE-BALANCED GEOMETRY: The three conductors in “Triple-Balanced” Colorado cables ensure that whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the positive and negative signals have equally low-distortion conducting paths. The 100% coverage shield is never used as an inferior conductor.COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept completely intact. The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste. (Colorado’s copper conductors get copper paste.) XLR plugs are also available
Niagara incorporates our best metal with its Perfect-Surface Silver conductors. Silver is known for its high conductivity and its "colorless" sonic presentation. Niagara will surprise you with its tonal balance and lightning speed presentation. SOLID 100% PERFECT-SURFACE SILVER CONDUCTORS (PSS): Perfect-Surface Technology applied to extreme-purity silver provides unprecedented clarity and dynamic contrast. Solid conductors prevent strand interaction, a major source of cable distortion. Extremely high-purity Perfect-Surface Silver minimizes distortion caused by the grain boundaries that exist within any metal conductor, nearly eliminating harshness and greatly increasing clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other coppers. FEP AIR-TUBE INSULATION (FEP is a Fluoro-Polymer): Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then later released as distortion. All of Niagara’s conductors use Air-Tube insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and FEP is the best extrudable solid insulation and absorbs less energy than other materials. The FEP Air-Tubes used in Niagara have almost nothing but air around the solid PSS conductors. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check. CARBON-BASED 3-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. TRIPLE-BALANCED GEOMETRY: The three conductors in “Triple-Balanced” Niagara cables ensure that whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the positive and negative signals have equally low-distortion conducting paths. The 100% coverage shield is never used as an inferior conductor. COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept completely intact. The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste. (Niagara’s silver conductors get silver paste.) XLR plugs are also available.
AUDIOQUEST SKY Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL Sky In order to raise the performance of Sky
over Niagara AudioQuest expands the diameter of the FEP Air-Tubes by 50%. The
Noise-Dissipation System is also improved by increasing the system from three
layers to five layers, further reducing the modulation of noise on the ground
plane. The overall effect is less interference from the insulation and an
improvement in dynamic contrast. AUDIOQUEST WILD BLUE YONDER Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL Wild Blue Yonder For Wild Blue Yonder to exceed the performance of Sky we increased the diameter of the FEP Air-Tube Insulation by 32%, thus creating greater space around the solid Perfect-Surface Silver Conductors. The Noise-Dissipation System increases from a 5-layer system found in Sky to a 7-Layer System. But to go even further, new techniques and materials needed to be used for the construction of the connectors. Custom-machined Direct-Silver Plated Pure-Copper connectors are Cold-Welded to insure a low-distortion contact between the cable and component. SOLID 100% PERFECT-SURFACE SILVER CONDUCTORS (PSS): Perfect-Surface Technology applied to extreme-purity silver provides unprecedented clarity and dynamic contrast. Solid conductors prevent strand interaction, a major source of cable distortion. Extremely high-purity Perfect-Surface Silver minimizes distortion caused by the grain boundaries that exist within any metal conductor, nearly eliminating harshness and greatly increasing clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other coppers. FEP AIR-TUBE INSULATION (FEP is a Fluoro-Polymer): Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then later released as distortion. All of Wild Blue Yonder’s conductors use Air-Tube insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and FEP is the best extrudable solid insulation and absorbs less energy than other materials. The FEP Air-Tubes used in Wild Blue Yonder have almost nothing but air around the solid PSS conductors. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check. CARBON-BASED 7-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. TRIPLE-BALANCED GEOMETRY: The three conductors in “Triple-Balanced” Wild Blue Yonder cables ensure that whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the positive and negative signals have equally low-distortion conducting paths. The 100% coverage shield is never used as an inferior conductor. COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept completely intact. The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste. (Wild Blue Yonder’s silver conductors get silver paste.) XLR plugs are also available.
WEL Signature "Frankly, I had never contemplated the notion of a 'signature series' of products; it remains a rather alien notion to me. When one of my good friends (and AQ aesthetic steward), Joe Harley, suggested this, I was taken a bit off guard. However, as we sat back and discussed the quest, the many years of analyzing the quality of materials and construction, the hours upon hours of listening, the proving of theories and yes, the bit of luck that is required, it finally made perfect sense to me. For me, when a designer puts their name on a product, it feels like a kind of final chapter. Rest assured, this is the beginning of a new book." - William E. Low, AudioQuest Founder and Chief Designer SOLID 100% PERFECT-SURFACE SILVER CONDUCTORS (PSS): Perfect-Surface Technology applied to extreme-purity silver provides unprecedented clarity and dynamic contrast. Solid conductors prevent strand interaction, a major source of cable distortion. Extremely high-purity Perfect-Surface Silver minimizes distortion caused by the grain boundaries that exist within any metal conductor, nearly eliminating harshness and greatly increasing clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other coppers. FEP AIR-TUBE INSULATION (FEP is a Fluoro-Polymer): Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then later released as distortion. All of WEL Signature’s conductors use Air-Tube insulation because air absorbs next to no energy, and FEP is the best extrudable solid insulation and absorbs less energy than other materials. The FEP Air-Tubes used in WEL Signature have almost nothing but air around the solid PSS conductors. DIELECTRIC-BIAS SYSTEM (DBS, US Pat #s 7,126,055 & 7,872,195 B1): All insulation slows down the signal on the conductor inside. When insulation is unbiased, it slows down parts of the signal differently, a big problem for very time-sensitive multi-octave audio. AudioQuest’s DBS creates a strong, stable electrostatic field which saturates and polarizes (organizes) the molecules of the insulation. This minimizes both energy storage in the insulation and the multiple nonlinear time-delays that occur. Sound appears from a surprisingly black background with unexpected detail and dynamic contrast. The DBS battery packs will last for years. A test button and LED allow for the occasional battery check. CARBON-BASED 7-LAYER NOISE-DISSIPATION SYSTEM (NDS): 100% shield coverage is easy. Preventing captured RF Interference from modulating the equipment’s ground reference requires AQ’s Noise-Dissipation System. Metal and Carbon-Loaded synthetics prevent most RFI from reaching the equipment’s ground plane. TRIPLE-BALANCED GEOMETRY: The three conductors in “Triple-Balanced” WEL Signature cables ensure that whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the positive and negative signals have equally low-distortion conducting paths. The 100% coverage shield is never used as an inferior conductor. COLD-WELD SYSTEM: This plug design enables a perfect heat-free connection between cable and plug. The connection between the plug and conductors is made using AQ's Cold-Weld System, which provides a superior connection that ensures that the structural integrity of the conductor is kept completely intact. The Cold-Weld System refers to a combination of high pressure at the point of contact and the use of copper- or silver-impregnated paste. (WEL Signature’s silver conductors get silver paste.) XLR plugs are also available. TERMINATIONS: The WEL Signature interconnect RCA and XLR connectors' striking visual appearance is the result of many years of intense research into every aspect of plug design. These plugs are precision-engineered components far surpassing the performance of any previous design. The sole guiding mandate for the WEL Signature plug designs was maximizing sonic performance. WEL Signature connectors must be as sonically “invisible” as WEL Signature cable! WEL Signature RCA connectors are precision machined from a High-Conductivity Oxygen-Free Pure-Copper Billet (99.94% +Cu) for all conductive parts. FEP is used as the main insulation material. A thick (100 micron) layer of silver is then directly plated over the copper. Similarly, WEL Signature XLR wire bays and contact pins are also machined from HC-OFC Billet, silver plated and secured into a Delrin® bushing. CAVI DIGITALI
AUDIOQUEST Diamondback 0,5m €.143,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL AUDIOQUEST Diamondback 0,75 €.159,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL AUDIOQUEST Diamondback 1,0m €.174,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL AUDIOQUEST Diamondback 1,5m €.206,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL AUDIOQUEST Diamondback 2,0m €.238,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL AUDIOQUEST Diamondback 2,5m €.302,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL AUDIOQUEST Diamondback 3,0m €.397,00 Per prezzo scontato TELEFONARE/EMAIL Per dimensioni maggiori telefonare o leggere pdf